Using this publication server
- Hints for searching
Boolean Operators AND, OR, NOT
When you use the Simple Search, all terms are combined by AND automatically. For a more tightly focused search you may use the Boolean Operators to combine different search terms.
AND: The document has to contain all search terms.
OR: The document has to contain one of the search terms. This function broadens your search and is recommended, when there are different terms for the same meaning.
article OR paper
NOT: This function works excluding and might be useful to reduce a large result list: Documents, which contain the one term, may not contain the other.
article NOT paper
The Boolean Operators work for the Advanced Search as well. You may use them to combine different search terms within one search field. For example, to search for documents of the author "Doe" in the years 2002 or 2003, use the query:
Author: Doe
Year: 2002 OR 2003Wildcards
In the field 'Search:', you may use the symbols '*' and '?' as wildcards. Use them in place of a character or characters that are unknown or that may differ. You cannot use them in front of a word or search string.
Example 1: chemi* finds chemical but also chemistry or chemist.
Example 2: licen?e finds licence and license.
You may use double quotes (") to search for phrases.
- I have some more questions - whom shall I contact?
Questions related to Bibliography
Julia Heitmann-Pletsch
Dr. Andreas Rosteck
Questions related to the technology
Sven Heitmann (technology)
phone: +49 (0)631 / 205-2813
Michael Neufing (technology)
phone: +49 (0)631 / 205-2269
- How is the university bibliography created?
Members of the University Kaiserslautern-Landau report their publications via the menu item "Publish". In addition, the subject-specific and interdisciplinary databases are searched for RPTU publications and further data are added. The addition can incur a delay, since the publications are not entered into the databases immediately after publication.
- What's metadata?
Metadata can be defined as
- data describing one or more resources or as
- data associated with an object and describing it
This repository is using metadata in the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (short Dublin Core (DC)) which has fifteen basic elements. Dublin Core is the result of international efforts to reach a collective consensus in describing electronic objects (in the broadest sense). The Library of Congress (LoC), the Online Cataloging Library Center (OCLC) and several national libraries are dealing with Dublin Core in many projects and are close to introduce the system respectively.
- Who can enter metadata of publications?
Currently, all scientific journal articles in which at least one member of the RPTU is involved are listed. For the entry it is irrelevant whether it is an electronic or printed publication.
- How can publication data be researched?
If you want to search for publications of the university, please select the menu item "Search". This will provide you with various search options.
- Can publication data also be exported?
No, currently data export is not possible.
- Basic help about the publication form
Describe the document you want to upload using the categories and fields on our publication form. Elements marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory, requiring an input. Please describe your document as clear as possible. If you need help with certain elements, move the mouse pointer over the field name. If you need German umlauts and cannot find them on your keyboard, here they are to copy and paste: ä ö ü Ä Ö Ü ß
- Why are my publications not visible after the entry?
The editorial support and subsequent activation of your entries is carried out by the university Library. Therefore, your record will only appear after a certain delay.
Assignment: Last name, First name(s) Examples:
- Müller, Johanna
- Müller, Johanna-Marie
- Müller-Mayer, Johanna
- Müller, Johanna von
- I find incorrect information in the record of one of my publications. How can I change them?
For correction of data please contact us by e-mail:
- What is DOI?
A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a persistent, unique identifier that identifies a publication regardless of its location on the internet. Agencies such as Crossref and DataCite assign the identifiers for full texts and research data.
- What is URN?
A Uniform Resource Name (URN) is a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) with the scheme urn, which serves as a permanent, location-independent identifier for a resource.
- What is ORCID?
ORCID is an abbreviation for "Open Contributor and Researcher ID" and is an internationally recognized personal identifier for scientists linking researchers to their research.
- What is GND-ID?
The Integrated Authority File (GND) is a service facilitating the collaborative use and administration of authority data. These authority data represent and describe entities, i.e. persons, corporate bodies, conferences and events, geographic entities, topics and works relating to cultural and academic collections. Every entity in the GND features a unique and stable identifier (GND ID). This makes it possible to link the authority data with both each other and external data sets and web resources. The GND is cooperatively managed by the German National Library, all library networks of the German-speaking countries and their participating libraries, the German Union Catalogue of Serials, and many other institutions.
- What are gold open access articles?
Without exception, articles in gold OA journals appear open access. In contrast to hybrid OA journals, articles are only published in OA if authors explicitly select this option. As a rule, an article processing charge must be paid.
- What is an Article Processing Charge?
Publications in pure open access journals (gold), often incur article processing charges (APC). These fees must be payed by the author. Information on support for the payment of these charges can be found here: Financing of OA-Publications
- Where can I find the document number of my booking?
You can find the document number for the booking in the account statement of your cost center.
- What are the filtering options?
- Search
- Advanced Search
- Browse
- How can I integrate my publication list into my department's website?
In the future it will be possible to integrate the publication data into your RPTU websites (working groups, departments, etc.). Further information will follow.
- Will the metadata be checked again before uploading to the bibliography?
Yes, the editorial review is done by the university library.
- What happens after I uploaded my data?
We will check your data set for formalities. If we are still missing information or have any questions, we will contact you. If the data supplied is correct, we will activate the entry in Biblio KL. Only at this point will the data you entered become visible in Biblio KL. If no questions are necessary, processing will take place within short time.
- How can I upload large lists?
If you would like to upload extensive lists, please feel free to contact us. We will find a time-saving solution!